I'm so happy to be part of the Nicholson Zoo that I just had to share these. Tee Hee!

First Pic!

A pic from my Hospital window

7lbs, 3 oz, 19.5", Same as Drake!

Daddy holding me. Note that at 20 mins old, I have more hair then he does.

My favorite person in the whole wide world!!

I'm SO HAPPY to be part of the Nicholson Zoo! I can't wait to play with my older brother Drake! My mommy did a great job introducing me into the world, for which I will always be thankful. Daddy did some stuff too, I guess, so hurray for him. My favorite thing to do right now is sleep, so.. before... (yawn) I grow too sleepy, I should...

About Me

My name is Griffin Nicholson. I'm the newest member to the Nicholson Zoo. I have an older brother, Drake, a wonderful Dad, and a spectacular Mother. I like to sleep, eat, and, on occasion, dribble.